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March 2022


Everything that exists within the universe, including you, is made up of energy. And every energy source vibrates at a different frequency. This energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but your vibrations can be raised. Daily events, stress and negative emotions all have a suppressing effect on your frequencies, while positive emotions raise your vibrations.

Becoming conscious about how you show up in your life is key to keeping your vibrations high, which as a result, helps you optimise your wellbeing. Your thoughts, emotions and actions all put out a certain kind of energy into the universe. This is the reason we resonate to some people, while feeling the need to keep away from others as we recognise this very frequency. We can change the frequency with which our bodies vibrate at, in order to bring more ease and flow into our lives. More of these light and high vibrations mean more happiness, more joy and more love.

Become conscious of your thoughts
It’s important to recognise that your thoughts are just that - thoughts. They’re not facts and sometimes, they’re nothing more than a figment of your imagination. When we let them roam unchecked, they can turn into real feelings and emotions, and eventually, become beliefs.

To become conscious of your thoughts is to show up intentionally and become present. It may initially feel foreign or uncomfortable to do so, but over time, it’ll become easier as you begin to reap the benefits of being in control of how you think and feel.

Practice mindfulness
Too often we rush through our days with a scattered mind, leaving us in a state of anxiety and stress. Putting aside time each day to practice mindfulness can help you put the worries and emotions of your day away, allowing space for your mind to immerse in clarity. Whether you choose to meditate, practice breathwork or journalling - consistency is key in mastering the art of mindfulness.

Start with just 10 minutes a day and over time, you’ll find yourself looking forward to diving into your mindfulness time.

Be conscious of the food you eat
All foods vibrate at different frequencies. Natural foods, derived directly from Earth, have the highest vibrations simply due to their natural origin. Processed foods, on the other hand, have significantly lower vibrations. If you are consuming food covered in chemicals and pesticides, or foods found within plastic packaging, it will leave you vibrating lower. On the other side, consume good quality organic produce, food as nature intended it, and feel the high vibrations through your body.

Secondly, it’s important to pay attention to how certain foods make you feel. Not everything is right for everyone, so, finding a diet that leaves you energised, fueled and light, is key in vibrating at higher frequencies.

Recognise when emotions aren’t yours
We can all pick up on the energy of the people around us, and if they’re vibrating at a low frequency, it’s very easy to confuse their feelings for our own. It’s important to recognise what your feelings are and where they’re coming from.

Remember, you are in control of your energy; you have the power to say - actually, these feelings aren’t mine, this is not how I feel.

Practice gratitude and kindness

Expressing gratitude plays a crucial role in finding healthy harmony in life, as a result, helping you to emanate heightened frequencies. You can start by taking the time at the end of each day to write down what you are grateful for, even if you focus on simple elements such as the food you ate, the people you spent quality time with, or nature you’ve enjoyed. This shifts your vibrations from focusing on what you don’t have to what is already abundant in your life, there is more to be grateful for than you could possibly imagine.

Giving to someone else (without expecting anything in return) also helps to transform your thinking from ‘I don’t have enough’ to ‘I have more than enough to give to others.’ Being unconditionally kind elevates your vibrations, as opposed to being mean or angry, which immediately changes the energy you radiate.

Don’t forget about self-care
Whether you like to walk your dog or meditate daily, doing something for yourself is key for maximising your vibrational energy. Anything that brings you joy will do wonders for raising your vibration. Self-care brings balance into our lives. Begin by adding small moments of joy into your life - like ending each night with a soothing bath, or starting your day with a long, energising stretch.

If you are currently not a member but would like to find out more about Grey Wolfe and how it could help you achieve balance and BioHarmony, book your complimentary discovery session today.